The Main Window:

Whatever the skin you choose, EzPop's main window has four buttons, an interactive status line and two images.

The 4 buttons :

To launch the connection to your mail server, then the automatic mail checking.
To hang the line (with a phone connection) and stop the mail checking.
To manually check your mailboxes (Right click to check a specific box or all the boxes at once).
To lauch your mail client (either the default one or the one you specified in the Configuration Panel)

The two images that change according to their meaning :

The Mailbox will tell you if you have mail. Two states: Empty or Full.
The connection tell-tale.
Two states: Connected or Not connected

The interactive info display will tell you what's going on:

See the Tips page for more features.

That's not all!

Between checks,
EzPop can display news from web sites, in a convenient and unobstrusive way. For this great feature, see the How does it works? section.